Jean-Yves Antoine

Roles :
Jean-Yves Antoine : head of the AAC4All project AAC4All, scientific leader of WP0 and WP3. Participant for WP 2 and WP5.
Anaïs Halftermeyer : WP1, WP2, WP3 and WP5
Frédéric Rayar : WP2, WP3 and WP4
Cherifa Ben Khelil : WP3 and WP5
CMRRF Kerpape

Engineer, CAA Referent & LifeCompanion Designer

Engineer PhD, Assistive Technology Lab Coordinator & CTO of CoWork’HIT

Engineer, Home Automation Referent
Located in Lorient Kerpape Rehabilitation Center is one of the major rehabilitation centers in France with more than 400 patients every day and more than 600 professionals on site. It belongs to the national mutualist union VYV 3 Bretagne
Since the 1980s, Kerpape is a unique place in France to have an integrated laboratory in which engineers are dedicated to assistive technologies (including AAC) and integrated into support or on research, development and innovation missions. This approach – clinical activities for the patients and Open Innovation – has enabled the laboratory and more broadly the Center to be considered as a leader at the national level on the theme of assistive technologies.
The laboratory has been collaborating since the 2000s with Garches hospital and the LIFAT on tools and research projects around AAC and IT accessibility, in particular Sibylle and Predict4All. Since 2015, the laboratory has been developing LifeCompanion, a free and open-source software for communication support and digital access. LifeCompanion is now distributed thanks to the support of CoWork’HIT.
Kerpape Rehabilitation Center is responsible for the “WP1: AAC Platform”, especially for :
- The development of an open AAC software platform in which experiments can be conducted (based on LifeCompanion)
- The deployment of a recommendation web platform in which the actors of the ecosystem around the AAC can be guided
Kerpape will also be involved in all the WP of the project, in particular on the focus groups allowing to involve professionals and clinical evaluations (WP6).
CHU Garches

Roles :
The PFNT coordinates the ecological assesment on a large panel of users. There are two main objectives:
Design and evaluate the platform components by integrating the concepts and requirements in terms of functionality and usability
Evaluation of the completed platform – A clinical study will focus on 20 people with disabilities per site (Garches, Kerpape), accompanied by health professionals (occupational therapist and speech therapist) in the context of their current practice.
Samuel Pouplin : coordinator WP 6, participant WP 0 à 6
Olivia Zeller : WP 6
Celia Guimberteau : WP 6
Soizic Riegel : WP 6


Roles : in this Work Package (WP4), members of the Modyco Lab will propose the first experimental investigation of the comprehension skills of children with disabilities during pictogram processing. This study will allow us to understand to which extent these children construct the meaning of a message from the semantic unification of different pictograms.
We plan to collect oculometric data and electroencephalographic data (EEG). We are also involved in WP5 with LIG researchers. The goal of this WP is to develop serious games for an efficient appropriation of the AAC tools.
IRIT - équipe ELIPSE

Mathieu Raynal
Associate professor

Nadine Vigouroux
Research scientist

Frédéric Vella
Research scientist

Lisa Hoiry
PhD student
Roles :
The members of the ELIPSE team are particularly involved in the design, development and evaluation of text input systems and in the integration of linguistic prediction systems within these input systems.

Full Professor
UGA, LIG, leader.

Associate professor

Research scientist
CNRS, GipsaLab

Associate Professor
Grenoble INP, GipsaLab

Full Professor
Roles :
Members of LIG and GIPSA-Lab are involved in WP4 and WP5.

Hébergé au CMRRF de Kerpape, le CoWork’HIT est un centre d’innovation, d’expertises et de moyens dont la mission principale est d’accompagner les entreprises, établissements de santé et médico-sociaux, associations et autres acteurs de l’innovation et du handicap.
Structuré sous forme de SCIC (Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif), il porte des valeurs coopératives fondamentales telles que la co-conception avec les usagers, la prééminence de la personne humaine, un sociétariat multiple ayant pour finalité l’intérêt collectif. Il accompagne le développement d’innovations technologiques, d’usages et d’organisations sur des volets techniques, cliniques, usages, réglementaires et marchés, visant à la fois un impact sociétal en réponse aux besoins des usagers mais également économique en soutenant la filière handicap.
L’un des principaux co-investisseur est VYV3 Bretagne faisant lien avec le CMRRF Kerpape. Le CoWork’HIT porte une offre de service autour de LifeCompanion à destination d’établissements et professionnels de santé (formation, accompagnement) mais également à destination d’entreprises (startup, PME, grands groupes) et de chercheurs sur l’adaptation ou l’utilisation de celui-ci.
Le CoWork’HIT sera impliqué dans la définition d’un modèle économique autour du projet et d’assurer sa diffusion afin d’assurer qu’AAC4ALL ait un impact clinique pratique dès le démarrage du projet mais aussi au-delà.